Enterprise core competence

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Our advantages
why choose us?
With years of accumulation and precipitation in the technology industry, the company focuses on commercial automatic equipment in the intelligent field. Independent research and development of more than 100 terminals , It has more than 20 "design patents", "utility model patents" and other technical products. Utilize new technology, deeply integrate artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cloud services, and big data; simplify the complexity, just to create more excellent intelligent retail equipments, and open up the era of unmanned self-service new retail intelligence;
Factory Scale1. Our company has an independent production factory, which covers an area of more than 2,000 square meters and has more than 100 workers 2. In order to ensure the high quality performance of your products, every process of the product is strictly controlled by personnel, and the whole process will serve you. 3. We operate a variety of intelligent equipment, including automatic cotton candy machine, popcorn machine, milk tea machine, vending machine and so on 4. We are a high-quality supplier integrating R&D, production, operation and sales. From production to delivery, we provide you with a series of worry-free services.
Product QualityIn order to ensure the high quality performance of your products, every process of the product is strictly controlled by personnel, and the whole process will serve you.
Scope of businessIn order to ensure the high quality performance of your products, every process of the product is strictly controlled by personnel, and the whole process will serve you.
Our teamIn order to ensure the high quality performance of your products, every process of the product is strictly controlled by personnel, and the whole process will serve you.
Certificates Honors
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